Meet the Team

James Lynch
Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief

GameRVW's Editor-in-Chief and sports title connoisseur, when he's not gaming or editing features for the site he can usually be found at Griffin Park, home of Brentford F.C.

Demetri Savvides
Co-Founder and Head of Social Media
Peter Sallale
Staff Writer

Peter has always believed that story is the aspect of games with the most potential. Starting his gaming career with Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, he fell in love with the medium and the unique tales that can be told when the "reader" is part of the action. As well as his appreciation for narrative, Peter uses his technical knowledge and production background to provide a unique perspective about the merits and downsides of game releases today.

Emily Shiel
Staff Writer

Emily is a long time gamer, blogger and tea drinker! She spends most of her time playing Zelda and binge watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but when she’s not doing that you can find her writing some lovely posts on the games she’s currently playing and why they’re so damn cool! Twitter: @emi_shiel

Elijah Gonzalez
Staff Writer

Eli enjoys spending his time playing games that prioritise storytelling, but can go in for pretty much anything, having recently taken a liking to fighting games. He is also a movie-lover, and watches way too many Japanese cartoons. Twitter: @SmashCutSite

Ben Gibson
Staff Writer

A lover of RPGs and immersive storytelling, Ben can normally be found playing a game in which he can hit something with a sword. In his more productive moments, he makes reviews and videos on the gaming industry on his Youtube channel TheReaper161Plays. When not too tired or hungover to go outside, Ben can sometimes be found skydiving or running around an airsoft site (also with a sword).

Chris Richardson
Staff Writer

Chris has been playing games since he was 5. Which basically means he hasn't gone outside in 20 years. He went outside once but he said the graphics weren't very good. He likes games with stories and has many opinions on the matter, but will express them in the nicest possible way....most of the time.

Alex Salfiti
Staff Writer

You can often find him in a dark, locked room scaring himself silly... Otherwise he spends far too much time making Spotify playlists. Twitter: @thealexsalfiti

Rachel Gilmore
Staff Writer
Ryan Bonnau
Staff Writer
Thom Glynn
Staff Writer