Everything is continuing apace at the show but, covering these things without the spontaneous crowd reactions does take some of the fun out of it. Anyway, nostalgic musings of a time before the world ended aside, it seems as though we’re now headed away from Halo for the time being.
In the next cinematic, we’re shown some of State of Decay 3 (featuring a creepy zombie deer) but not a lot of detail here. Phil has finally arrived to talk up the hardware advantages that the Xbox holds going into the next generation. And he’s got some evidence to back it up, as we’re shown some, frankly, frighteningly realistic in-engine footage from the new Forza (developed by Turn 10). Is it quite photorealism? Well, not just yet but it’s getting pretty close.
Then, we get a look at what Rare have come up with and colour me intrigued. Everwild switches from the hyper-realistic art of Forza to a cartoon style of art that looks just as beautiful just as beautiful. Essentially the game will allow the player to explore the world as an eternal, altering it through your connections with nature. It’s all very abstract but it looks like one for those among us who like to relax with a warm drink.
It seems like Xbox don’t want to give me a quick break from typing, as we get a look at the latest from DONTNOD, in the form of Tell Me Why. This one will absolutely appeal to fans of the Life is Strange series and the similarities in it’s set up are clear. Although there is no gameplay from this one, it’s pretty clear what we can expect.
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