You’d be forgiven for not thinking that a famous actor would spend his free time painting tabletop...
A top 10 list of games is always one of the toughest things to produce. You will...
The idea of a game remake is nothing new. The industry was experiencing game remakes as early...
Having received my copy of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition back at launch, I’m taking my second journey...
A Darkest Dungeon II early access trailer has landed on YouTube, showing off the style of the...
Depending on your history with Far Cry, the newest iteration in the long-running series can prove to...
Typically, during Nintendo Direct showcases I feel either incredible hype or deep bitterness. Today, I felt both...
Aside from the many spin-offs and microgame compilations over the years, WarioWare hasn’t had a true instalment...
I’ll get this out of the way, right off the bat- if you’re familiar with Among Us,...
Deathloop Has Mixed Steam Reviews On Launch Day Despite Very Positive Feedback From Critics

2 min read
Note: The details in this article were true to the best of my knowledge as of 14th...
Well that was it. That was our look at what’s coming next for PlayStation, and it will...
The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) single-handedly authored the future of videogames with its US nationwide release in...
That’s right folks, it’s finally happening, we are getting an official big boy PlayStation Showcase this Thursday...
Psychonauts 2 is a game out of its time. That is a phrase usually reserved as a...
The NEO•GEO AES (Advanced Entertainment System) released on April 26, 1990 and delivered on an incredible promise-...
Having recently just played through the HD remaster of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword after a...
China has introduced a new rule limiting the number of hours of online video games under 18s...
Welcome to our coverage of the Gamescom Opening Night Live! 11:02: The Saints Row reboot is coming...
Developer Luis Antonio’s Twelve Minutes is a hard game to review. It is a game built almost...
Today, social media users have begun to notice advertisements on the PlayStation Store for a reveal event...