If you enjoy playing video games, but don’t enjoy spending money on them, then please hold off before you hit your favourite torrent site. Ubisoft have offered up For Honor at it’s lowest price ever – literally £0.00/$0.00. This has been done as the dust continues to settle on E3, where some say Microsoft took the win, and Ubisoft look to take on some new players for their major fighting game. The game itself, for those of you who don’t know, is an action hack ‘n’ slash title with both a single-player campaign and a multiplayer that boasts six different game types. If you’re into this kind of thing, it is a fun game with some nice chunky combat mechanics and an intuitive blocking and parrying system that rewards those who put the work in. There are also three factions, The Iron Legion, The Chosen and The Warborn who are representative of Knights, Samurai and Vikings respectively.
Upon it’s release the critical reception was good, if not great, with the grinding aspect proving to be particularly troublesome for reviewers. It was also widely reported that the game lost 95% of its player base mere months after launch, although Ubisoft contest this vociferously. That being said it is free, so really what do you have to lose other than a significant amount of hard drive storage.
If you needed any more of an incentive, the Marching Fire update is coming to the game on October 16th with the promise of a new Chinese faction, boasting four different warrior types and a new game mode call Breach, which is essentially a 4v4 siege mode, most likely as a response to repeated calls for a game of this type.
So, all in all, you shoud go for it. It might not be the most brilliant game you’ve ever played but, as you get to keep it forever, who knows where it could take you.
For Honor is available for free on PC now via this link