It’s that time of year when you have to work out what you can buy your dad that he will actually like, but that doesn’t cost as much as that whisky he wants. Well, thanks to GameRVW, you now have to wonder no longer, as 2D-platformer Dad Quest is currently 60% off on the Steam store. At the lowest price it has ever been online, there has never been more of a reason to jump on and complete your familial duties, according to the developer.
The game itself does have a slightly odd premise, as the creators would be the first to admit. In the world where Dad Quest is set, children are indestructible weapons to be “upgraded” with various toys that make killing those assembled in front of you significantly easier. Using a traditional RPG-style inventory system, players are able to customise their items with cosmetic upgrades, whilst toys unlock unique combat options for your child.
Although it may not be a particularly relatable experience, it sure is fun and an excellent hark back to a simpler age in gaming, garnering mostly positive feedback on Steam. Besides the more obvious features, there are a number of unique touches that make this compare favourably to its innumerable contemporaries. You can be both a male and a female Dad (impressively 21st century) and even take on crippling debt, because there’s nothing quite like recreating the worst things about life in an electronic simulation. Seriously though, this game is a real time killer and you should definitely think about hopping on board while its at such a reduced price point.
Dad Quest is available now for PC via Steam.