I thought the Microsoft conference was over. Everyone did. It wasn’t. Fresh off the announcement for Gears of War 5, CD Projekt Red debuted a pretty amazing looking trailer for Cyberpunk 2077, something which not a lot had predicted would be shown here. Showcasing the amazing visuals people have come to expect from the studio, the game does really look pretty unique. With a brutal gangster stomp, a quick trip out in some fast cars and an extended stay in a subway carriage, the trailer didn’t give a lot away, but boy did it get people excited.
Take a loot at the trailer here:
That should be it from this year’s Microsoft 2018 E3 conference, but you’ll hear about it here first if it isn’t. To watch the conference as it happens, you can tune into the action here. We will also be posting up all the news as it happened so make sure to keep checking the website throughout all of E3.