So we’re still taking our fill of everything that E3 has to offer, and up next, it’s the PC Gaming Show hosted by PC Gamer. With the promise of 30 games on show, this could very well be one of the more exciting under-the-radar shows we see.
Rebellion are up first, showing off the follow up to the very enjoyable Evil Genius, handily titled Evil Genius 2. The developer of the hugely successful Sniper Elite series takes a turn to the far less serious, offering players a chance at World Domination – only without the added Hitler. The RPG does look like a lot of fun.
And now…. Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2. One of the more anticipated releases on the schedule, it looks gorgeous and offers players an insight into the troubling existence of a Vampire. The rule of thumb for our bloodsucking chums is to never let the masquerade slip, for fear of discovery. Gameplay details include differences in the effects of feeding, with a variety of bonuses offered for different blood.
One of the more intriguing setups is the mass embrace, where many vampires were created simultaneously. These vampire literally have to learn how to become what they are, meaning you may well see some rookie efforts from NPC’s in the game world. This one is coming in Q1 2020.
Keep it locked in to GameRVW.com as we peel our eyes on your behalf, with coverage of all the major conferences to boot.