Xbox Live’s weekly sales have become a staple of the thrifty gamer’s shopping habits, and the latest reset offers old and new titles at a fraction of their normal prices. If you are one of those people who wants to take advantage of a bargain, then make sure you do so soon, the games in the sale go back to full price on June 11th.
Rockstar titles feature heavily, with the Xbox One’s increasingly large catalogue of backwards compatible games allowing the company to bring older titles to the current generation. The developer is making a number of games available on the service tomorrow, and has put these games on immediate discount to encourage people to get involved. Red Dead Redemption is a steal at $10/£8, whilst Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas mirrors this price, so you can go back and order another couple of number 45’s (one without cheese).
Joining those flagship releases in the weekly sale update for the Xbox One tomorrow are the frankly brilliant Rockstar Table Tennis and, the less brilliant, but still good, Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete. Those two check-in at $6/£5 and $10/£8 respectively.
Also featured this week are the genre stalwart Divinity: Original Sin and, the also extremely well received, Torment: Tides of Numenora which should sate those with a burning desire to hop on to an RPG.
To qualify for the deals you will need to have an active Xbox Live Gold subscription which can be purchased, either online, or via vouchers in stores.
Full list of games:
- A Boy and His Blob* — $4 / £3
- Divinity: Original Sin* — $10 / £9
- Goosebumps: The Game — $8 / £6
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas* — $10 / £8 (BC on June 7)
- Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete* — $10 / £8
- R.B.I. Baseball 18 — $25 / £20
- Red Dead Redemption — $10 / £8
- Rockstar Table Tennis* — $6 / £5 (BC on June 7)
- Runbow — $8 / £5
- Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments* — $8 / £5
- Torment: Tides of Numenera* — $15 / £12
Source: Gamespot