A remastered version of 2009 hit Red Faction: Guerilla is coming to PC and consoles in July, according to a statement made by THQ Nordic on Monday. The game will feature a complete overhaul of the graphics in the original, as well as better lighting, shading and textures. The frame rate at which players are able to play the game will depend on their console of choice, with the Xbox One X running the game at 1800p/60 fps and the PlayStation 4 Pro and standard edition outputting at 1500p/60 fps and 1080p/60 fps respectively.
The game itself, the second in the Red Faction series, received mixed reviews at the time of its original release with some claiming that, whilst the gameplay was undeniably fun, it did suffer under the weight of its poorly written and crafted plot. That was not the only announcement, however, with THQ Nordic informing us that those who already own the game on Steam will receive a free copy of the “Re-Mars-Tered” edition when it comes out on July 3rd.
A trailer for this new iteration has already been released and viewed over 65,000 times, as of the publication of this article. The game itself is set half a century after the events of the original, and follows Alec Mason as he becomes the centre piece of a rebellion on Mars, against an oppressive colonial force. The destructible environments should remain a prominent feature, and multiplayer modes will also remain active. THQ Nordic will be hoping to take advantage of the popularity of the original, which managed to sell over 1 million copies and become a well-loved classic in the process. They will also be trying to avoid a failure on the scale of Red Faction: Armageddon, which lost the studio a huge amount.
Red Faction: Guerilla Re-Mars-Tered will be available from July 3rd on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.
Source: Variety