Rico is definitely coming back, and the destructablity looks pretty ridiculous. Just Cause 4 made an appearance at the Square Enix conference, with a brand new video trailer showcasing tornadoes tearing through landmarks and permanently altering the map. Explosions will do the same, and there are a huge range of new vehicles, all boasting brand new driving systems, and the grapple has more tethers than ever, as well as an air system that will allow control to be more precise than at any point in the series history.
The game itself has been leaked multiple times, first via a premature Walmart listing, and then Steam jumped the gun, putting out a full advertisement for the game, artwork and all. It does look as though we’re getting more of the same, as many will have expected, but why fix what ain’t broke.
The A.I has been overhauled, with enemies using tactics to outflank and outmaneuver Rico as he spends his days toppling corrupt regimes. The Square Enix conference is continuing apace so make sure to stay tuned to the coverage here. We will also be covering the whole week at gaming’s premier event, so make sure to keep visiting the site for all the latest news.