As the Bethesda press conference drew to a close, Todd Howard showed a very small clip of Starfield before informing the audience that he had one more special announcement for the gathered masses. The Elder Scrolls VI is happening, and should be releasing at some point after Starfield drops in 2019. We don’t know much about what the Elder Scrolls VI will contain, and where it will fall in the established canon, but the extremely short video was enough to get gamers around the world to drop their pants.
And with that, Bethesda were done. Further looks at Rage 2, Elder Scrolls Online and Doom Eternal, the sequel to the very successful 2016 reboot. There was also a reaffirmed commitment to VR and the announcment of a mobile port of the ES series called Blades.
To watch the conference as it happens, you can tune into the action here. We will also be posting up all the news as it’s released so make sure to keep checking the website throughout all of E3.