We have a really exciting new video series to show you, where we round up the biggest...
Year: 2019
Metroidvania titles aren’t exactly a novelty anymore. Games like Cave Story and Shadow Complex have helped usher...
The 2019 Steam Summer Sale is finally going live, with the rush of consumers causing an expected...
I Bought PSVR Purely For The Horror Games… I Immediately Regretted That Decision… Kind of.

3 min read
I was sat at my computer, mindlessly scrolling through Amazon, when something caught my eye. PSVR was...
Money and games journalism have always had a dubious relationship. As with all forms of media, the...
Ah, Halo. A long and storied series of games. The first-person shooter franchise traces its roots back...
While this may have been somewhat of a down year for E3 due to the waning sway...
With GameRVW’s Head Honcho indisposed with ruined fingers, the job of reporting on Nintendo’s E3 presentation have...
Borderlands 2 | Commander Lilith And The Fight For Sanctuary – New Effervescent Items Guide

4 min read
Borderlands 2 is well known in the gaming community for being the epitome of action-packed, shooter-looter video...
It’s been 6 years since players have been able to scour the zombie infested Trumbull Valley from...
I’m still here trying not to weep at how much cramp I have in my hand. Roller...
We’ve just been shown a trailer for Rainbow Six: Quarantine, a three-person co-op game coming to platforms...
We are chugging along nicely in an Ubisoft conference which has already given us Watch Dogs: Legion,...
E3 2019: Ubisoft Conference | Makers Of It’s Always Sunny Announce Collaboration With Ubisoft

1 min read
Fresh off the announcement of Watch Dogs 3, a game where you can play as LITERALLY ANYONE...
E3 is getting through the last of its major conferences for this year, with Ubisoft up next...
E3 2019: PC Gaming Show | Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Release Date + Evil Genius 2

2 min read
So we’re still taking our fill of everything that E3 has to offer, and up next, it’s...
Wolfenstein is getting two new games to add to the series. The first, Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot, is designed...
Zenimax are up next to discuss what’s next for their flagship MMO, The Elder Scrolls: Online, which...
Ghostwire Tokyo has just been announced, an action adventure game with a really interesting premise. With promises...