The next game in the Fallout series, Fallout 76, will debut on Xbox One with an open beta. Anyone who pre-orders the game can access the beta on the console of their choice, however Sony and PC users will have to wait a little while longer to get their hands on it. This beta is a departure for the series; Fallout 76 is an online open-world game, allowing multiple players to fight, build, and scavenge across the wasteland that was once West Virginia.
Many fans have believed that Bethesda’s two main series, The Elder Scrolls and Fallout, would benefit greatly from having some kind of multiplayer. Fallout 76 represents the studio’s first major foray into this genre, however another part of the fan-base was disappointed with the always-online aspect of the game, expressing concerns such as griefing, lack of solo play, and the presumed impossibility of modding – a staple of any single-player Bethesda game. Nevertheless, the title is highly anticipated. First officially announced at Bethesda’s 2018 E3 conference, the game is slated for a rapidly approaching November 14th release.
A release date for the beta on any console is yet to be announced. Said B.E.T.A. (“Break-It Early Test Application) will likely run for a few weeks; what players will be able to do for these few weeks is unknown at this point. Very little information has been released in regards to what will be playable in the public test. Presumably it will allow players and their friends to explore a small part of the games map, and feature gun-play, survival elements, and building.
Bethesda has seemingly partnered with Microsoft in regards to Fallout 76’s release, therefore it would not be surprising if the game’s DLC’s were also available earlier on the Xbox One than they are on PS4 or PC. Whatever the case, Fallout 76 will be in player’s hands before too long, no matter their platform.
Source: VGR