Microsoft will be the first to tell you how much of a technological marvel the Xbox One X is, and you could be forgiven for thinking that statement’s like that are all a practice in the dark arts of advertising. In this case, however, it really isn’t. The console specifications speak for themselves, and 4A Games’ Metro Exodus could be the first game that really manages to take advantage of the impressive capabilities of the hardware. Speaking to Gaming Bolt at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), the Head of Global Brand Management at Koch Media, Huw Beynon, had a number of things to say on the specifications in play, with native 4k resolution already confirmed. Not prepared to be drawn out on too many promises, Beynon states:
“We have confirmed that we’re going to hit 4K. I don’t think we’re in a position to confirm our performance target at the moment. It’s a little early in development for that.”
So 60 fps is not out of the question here, but it is by no means a definite either. The ability to squeeze every last bit of performance out of the hardware is there, but pushing the console to its limits could manifest the game in a way the developers were not intending. When further asked about how the Xbox One X influences the development process, he goes on to say:
“That’s probably something I want my CTO software engineer to answer. But yes, it’s a beast. The fact that you can get [native] 4K is a testament to how powerful it is.”
All in all it looks as though games are becoming more geared towards the sudden increase in technological capability that the Xbox One X offers, but its too early to fully ascertain whether that will be done successfully.
Metro Exodus will be released on February 22nd 2019, on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 or PC